The Egg Box is covered with a handmade paper that I just love!!! I sealed the box so if it is in the kitchen and the counter gets wet then it will survive!!! The box lid is a very tight fit so I covered only up to the seam and then stippled the top of the box w/ multiple layers of different colors so it would have the same feel as the paper, you cannot see this in the photo ........ oops forgot that photo. The burlap on the top was hand stitched with floss to dark chocolate card stock.
I stamped about 60 recipe cards and then gave her some recipes also to to put in the box. The flower on the front was cut out of a dictionary using words that describe her ....... amazing beautiful talented smart funny.
The inside dividers I used different colors and stamps so it was reflective of who she is and then on 2 of them I used the full dictionary definition. I life how the dividers came out........ not your typical recipe box.
Inside of journal
This is the outside of the journal in the same paper but you can really see it better here and for the journal it is not sealed so this is true look of the paper. Very simple but again reflective of the person I was making it for and for me I did not want to cover up the paper ...... LOVE IT~~
And here is the total gift ...... the card is simple but I do love how it turned out. The sentiment was computer generated on my mac and it printed perfectly on the card stock and the color matched the enchanted evening ribbon perfectly.
I love doing big projects ........ Thanks for looking!!!
This is an amazing project! Wow!!!
Sue Ann, this is absolutely incredible. Such dedication. She will most certainly treasure these items for many years to come. Nice job! :)
Great project and thoughtful too!
Such a sweet, sweet gift. I love what you did with the receipe cards. She will love it.
Beautiful and thoughtful gift, I'm sure she'll be thrilled with it!!
What a wonderful gift- I'm sure she's going to love it!!
I agree to the above posters, a lovely gift and so thoughtful put together that she will treasure it forever. Love the CAS nature of your hybrid card!
Wow such a wonderful, thoughtful gift. It looks like so much time and effort went into your project. Im sure the person receiving this will be very touched!
I love how you made that flower from dictionary paper describing her qualities. Genius!
this is just stunning and what a great gift this is for her!!! YOu did a fantastic job.
What an amazing gift! This is gorgeous!
What an absolutely amazing gift. I'm in awe. I can see how much work really went into this Sue Ann. What a labour of love.
What a neat project, Sue Ann! Wow! I'm sure the recipient will cherish it always.
I need some help here folks
I'm Looking to buy [url=][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or TV [url=][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For a house I'min the process of buying.
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I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:
much appreciated
[url=][img]  [/img][/url]
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